
A 安徽
B 北京 包头 保定
C 重庆 成都 长沙 常熟 常州 长春
D 大连 东莞
E 鄂尔多斯
F 福州 福建 佛山
G 广州 甘肃 贵阳 贵州 广东 广西
H 哈尔滨 合肥 杭州 惠州 邯郸 河北 河南 黑龙江 呼和浩特 湖北 海口 海南 湖南
J 济南 吉林 嘉兴 江苏 江西 金华
K 昆明 昆山
L 廊坊 连云港 辽宁 洛阳
N 南京 宁波 南昌 南通 内蒙古 宁夏 南宁
Q 青岛 青海 泉州
S 上海 深圳 沈阳 石家庄 苏州 山东 山西 绍兴 三亚 陕西 汕头 四川
T 天津 台州 太原 唐山
W 武汉 无锡 威海 温州 乌鲁木齐
X 西安 厦门 徐州 新疆
Y 烟台 盐城 扬州 义乌 银川 云南
Z 郑州 浙江 中山 珠海






职位性质: 全职 专业要求: 不限
招聘日期: 2024.01.02 ~ 2025.05.25 工作地点: 广东-湛江市
更新日期: 2024.07.01 工作经验: 八年以上
外语要求: 不限 职称要求: 无职称
学历要求: 本科及以上 工资待遇: 20000 - 35000

BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF\'s largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be the third-largest BASF site worldwide, and will be built into a role model for smart manufacturing and sustainable production by utilizing the latest digital technologies and applying the highest safety standards.

-Collaborate with the employees and supervisors on the implementation and improvement actions in their work processes/ areas to meet the EHS standards established according to the applicable company, corporate and mandatory EHS regulations and requirements.
-Collaborate with the employees and supervisors to identify and correct potential safety and health hazards according to the applicable company EHS regulations and standards so as to recommend improvement actions to support meeting the
-Coordinate reviewing new/ existing products, equipment, and processes for potential hazards via studying the work and EHS requirements to identify conflicting technical objectives, unsuitability of standard procedures etc. Provide initial recommendation to the parties involved on modification needed.
-Prepare training/education need analysis via interviews/ questionnaire as defined by the supervisor and consolidate the feedback/ inquiries to propose schedules, programs and target groups to help strengthen the employees\' awareness on EHS.
-Collect EHS suggestions and imitate actions for suitable suggestions and inform employees the EHS practices, experience/lesson-learned and requirements.
-Interpret the defined EHS and RC regulations and recommend priorities and actions for improvement, including developing safe work practices and measures with supervisors to monitor conformance through safety and housekeeping inspections in their respective work areas.
-Coordinate and prepare the internal and external EHS performance audits to ensure the effective realization of the audit activities.
-According to the supervisor\'s guidance and company requirements, assist in/ lead the investigation of incidents/accidents or problem areas to define the causes and recommend improvement/ preventive measures.
-Maintain a documentation system to keep company, corporate and mandatory EHS rules/ regulations, communication materials, inspection and audit reports etc. to ensure that the major activities are properly documented according to needs.
-Under the guidance of the supervisor, prepare the EHS presentation materials, statistics and reports (e.g. accidents, survey) in order to support processes in monitoring the conformance of company/ corporate/ mandatory EHS requirements.

-Education: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in chemical area as minimum requirement
-Working Experience: 5+ years chemical plant production experience
-Technical & Professional Knowledge: Major in Chemical Engineering, good English, Good communication skill and interpersonal understanding.


  • 标签:
  • 石油
  • 天然气
  • 炼制
  • 馏分
  • 催化工艺
  • 裂化工艺










