职位名称 | 公司名称 | 工作地点 | 发布日期 | 月薪 |
化工工艺设计工程师(... | 广东政和工程有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2024/11/08 | 5000 - 9000 | |
【任职资格】1、化学工程与工艺等相关专业专科毕业(职校优先);2、在校成绩良好,提供成绩单;3、爱岗敬业、性格开朗、好学上进、具有良好的语言表达和沟通能力;4、应届毕业生应熟练操作CAD制图软件及各种办公软件,熟悉应力计算、三维软件的优先考虑; 5、英语四级。【岗位职责】1、完成部门安排的项目施工图设计工作(独立完成,自校设计文件),按校核、审核意见修改回复;对施工... |
工艺专家 | 广东政和工程有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2024/04/18 | 20000 - 25000 | |
【任职资格】1、化学工程与工艺等相关专业本科以上毕业,高工职称;2、在化工类设计院或工程公司工作10年以上,担任过多个项目工艺审核;3、有现场代表经验,可接受配合总承包项目现场出差要求,能解决设计现场问题;4、爱岗敬业、品行端正,包容协作,有负责的工作态度,有钻研和刻苦精神,具有解决复杂问题的能力。【岗位职责】1、完成部门安排的项目本专业条件、施工图审核工作;2、... |
建筑设计工程师(合伙... | 广东政和工程有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2024/04/18 | 15000 - 25000 | |
任职资格:1、建筑学等相关专业本科毕业(含离退休审图人员);2、十年以上相关设计工作经验,高级职称(有注册证书优先);3、良好的学习、沟通和语言表达能力;4、品行端正,身体健康,具有团队协作精神; 5、思维敏捷、分析判断能力强、具有解决复杂问题的能力; 6、负责的工作态度,有钻研和刻苦精神; 公司为员工提供完善的薪酬福利待遇:1、按照国家规定与员工签订劳动合同,在... |
Process Engineer, Eng... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/02/18 | 8000 - 14000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
Senior Engineer,Inst... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2023/01/18 | 15000 - 25000 | |
BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be the third... |
Senior Engineer, Civi... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2024/10/28 | 12500 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
Senior Engineer, Mech... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2024/10/28 | 12500 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
Senior Engieer, Civil... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/01/24 | 12500 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
石油炼制操作工 | 广东众和瑞坤科技有限公司 | 广东-茂名市 | 2025/03/05 | 5000 - 8000 | |
任职要求:1.大专及以上学历,石油化工相关专业毕业;2.有最少2年的石油炼制生产一线工作经验,对石油炼制有一定的知识储备;3.身体健康,吃苦耐劳,适应倒班;4.对待工作态度积极,责任心强,认真学习生产操作技术;5.善于沟通,服从领导的工作安排。岗位职责:1.根据生产指令单,按时按质完成产品生产工作;2.承担岗位设备的日常运行、维护工作。有石油化工减压蒸馏、焦化装置生产经... |
工艺员 | 广东众和瑞坤科技有限公司 | 广东-茂名市 | 2025/03/05 | 8000 - 11000 | |
专业技能要求:1、要求熟悉化工单元操作、反应工程、传热传质等基础知识;2、能够理解和优化石油化工生产工艺流程;3、了解石化装置常见动静设备的工作原理;4、熟悉自动化系统的操作与维护;5、对熟练掌握安全生产规范。岗位职责:1、负责编制和更新生产装置操作规程,记录生产数据、工艺参数和操作日志,为工艺分析提供依据;2、对操作人员进行工艺培训,提高其操作技能和安全意识。... |
Senior Engineer, Mech... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/01/24 | 12500 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
Senior Engineer, Reli... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2024/09/25 | 12500 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Zhanjiang Verbund Site Project would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. BASF Zhanjiang Verbund site would ultimately be built into a role model for smart manufacturing and sustaina... |
项目售前/售后技术支持... | 广东政和工程有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2024/05/31 | 8000 - 18000 | |
【任职要求】1、电气工程、自控仪表、IT自动化、弱电工控类等相关专业2、具有现场施工管理经验;3、熟练使用CAD、OFFICE等办公软件;4、能够使用JAVA、C++、PYTHON、PHP其中一种高级编程语言优先;5、配合项目前期售前技术支持及技术交流;6、性格开朗、积极乐观。 |
Assistant Engineer, I... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/03/06 | 8000 - 12000 | |
岗位职责:• Execute daily inspection, eg. annually pressure vessel external inspection, pressure piping external inspection, flange labeling management etc.• Manage Special Equipment list, eg. pressure vessel, pressure piping, PSV etc.• Analyze, review and verify inspection findings and results, issue inspection reports and communicate verbally and in wr... |
Senior Engineer, Proj... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/02/20 | 12000 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Guangdong Verbund site project would be BASF's largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. The site would ultimately be... |
Senior Engineer, Inst... | 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 | 广东-湛江市 | 2025/03/06 | 12000 - 25000 | |
岗位职责:BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 |
化工管道安装工程师/施... | 广东政和工程有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2024/05/31 | 9000 - 12000 | |
【任职要求】1.专科及以上学历,机电安装、机械制造、化工工程、油气储运、制药、电气工程等相关专业;2.有从事化工、生物制药等工业项目施工管理工作经验2年以上,施工现场经验丰富者可适当放宽学历,具有强烈学习新知识新技术的兴趣;3.具备较好的文字表达能力、沟通协调能力,能独立安排和指导现场工作者优先;4.年龄50岁以下,身体健康,为人诚实、正直、豁达,品行端正,爱岗敬业... |
运维操作工 | 广东管辅能源科技有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2025/03/28 | 5100 - 8000 | |
1、熟悉燃气发电机及维修2、中石油三小证(井控、HSE、硫化氢)3、有1年以上运维工作经验4、有油气田增压装置运维经验5、了解油气田增压装置6、工作地点:鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗 |
消耗品经理 | 北京诚驿恒仪科技有限公司 | 广东-广州市 | 2025/03/28 | 8000 - 12000 | |
本职位全职、兼职均可,期待业内有志人士的加入!职位简述 美国进口实验室用品销售工作,产品为诚驿科技中国独家代理,用户辐射地质、多晶硅、检验检疫、食品药品等众多领域。岗位职责 1、开发和识别客户,建立和强化客户关系; 2、积极推动负责区域内产品的销售工作,完成销售任务; 3、协助用户进行技术选型; 3、完成合同从签定到完结各环节跟踪、负责,及时完全收回客户货款。 4、... |
设备员 | 广东众和瑞坤科技有限公司 | 广东-茂名市 | 2025/03/05 | 8000 - 11000 | |
1、确保设备的安全和稳定运行,制定设备故障时相应的应急预案,以应对突发情况。2、对设备进行定期检查和维护,确保其处于良好状态。整理归纳设备运行参数,及时发现并解决设备存在的问题,避免潜在的安全隐患。3、具备团队合作能力,与工艺安全管理部门等协作共同解决设备运行中遇到的技术难题,对设备进行定期的技术评估,制定设备的更新和升级计划,提升效益。4、对设备操作人员进... |